It’s been a little erratic here lately, what with having a day job, and summer holidays, and novels to write; and I had once planned to do a proper write up of the Revival Solstice retrogaming fest that happened last weekend, but, well I haven’t really got the time.
Suffice to say, there was pinball, arcade cabinets, consoles, handhelds, Sinclair and Commodore living together, mass hysteria… All manner of 8- and 16-bit computers were in attendance; I got the chance to play Sabre Wulf on an Enterprise 128, and the obligatory Jet Set Willy on some format I hadn’t tried before. My ten year old got her first look at classic Sonic: ‘This game’s so fast!’ said she. And there were also some oddities in attendance like the Nintendo Virtual Boy and the Dragon Professional.
There was plenty of retro goodness available to buy – unless you wanted Sinclair games in which case you were a bit limited. Still, I did come away from the Retro Lucky Dip with a tidy copy of Super Cycle for the Amstrad CPC, so that’s gotta be a bonus.
And now, although as a writer I utterly refute the claim that a picture tells a thousand words, here’s a few thousand words in pictorial form.
- Your iPhone’s Great-Grandad
- The last of the ZX Spectrums
- Pinball heroes
- Yes we can! Oh, wrong guy?
- Straight from the 24th Century
- Some obscure system or other…
- Love some classic Sonic!
- It’s the last day of term all over again…
- Insert size of joystick gag here
- Hello Tosh… etc.
- MSX family reunion
- Philips MSX 2. Dunno where Phil is.
- Green CPC monitor not great for gaming!
- Spraypainted Playstation?
- Does this remind anyone else of K-9?
- To be this good takes ages.
- I like it. Must be the rubber keys.
- To be this good will take Sega ages 🙂
- Handhelds were much bigger in the 80s!
- MB Vectrex in a pretty frock.
- Who had a single Arch at school among the Beebs?