Game Review: Ghostbusters

If you follow me on social media it may come as no surprise that Ghostbusters was a favourite of mine back in the day; which is slightly odd because my parents wouldn’t let me see the film, which came out when I was ten, so I compensated by playing the…


Game review: Splat!

Today’s challenge is to see how long I can actually keep writing about what is, in essence, a maze game; thankfully, I’ve chosen a maze game with a twist. The Facts. Released in 1983 by Incentive Software, ‘Splat!’ was ‘a totally original game’ in which the player must explore a…


Game review: Penetrator

Once upon a time, not so very long ago, Spectrum gaming was so new and, ahem, basic, that software houses felt the need to show off that their latest game was ‘written entirely in machine language, and takes up almost all of the 48K memory,’ thus creating ‘the fastest and…


Towel Day: Games Inspired By Hitchhikers

No, not games inspired by hopeful looking individuals standing near the exit of Strensham Services holding up a piece of card with ‘Islington’ rather optimistically scrawled upon it. For today is Towel Day, when the Universe acknowledges one of its greatest ever occupants, Mr Douglas Noel Adams, author of The…


Game review: Trashman

So here it is, as promised, my retro review of the Spectrum classic Trashman. You have to wonder what went on in some of the pitch sessions at games companies in the 80s… ‘The T. Rex is ancient history, we need a new gaming icon!’ ‘How about some sort of astronaut…


Star Wars Retrogaming


To celebrate the geek in-joke turned global holiday that is Star Wars Day, here’s a round-up of some unofficial (and frequently rubbish) Star Wars related retrogaming you may or may not be aware of. Text adventures A long time ago, before computers had realistic (or indeed any) graphics or sound,…


Game Review: Paperboy

Having got my newly acquired Sinclair computers up and running, there was only one logical next step; and so I dug out my copy of Paperboy, prayed I had remembered the laws of chuntey, and loaded up… There was no deep reason for Paperboy; it was never one of my…
